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Společnost Pearson a Ventures Books si Vás dovolují pozvat na v pořadí již 23. konferenci pro učitele anglického jazyka pod názvem The P.A.R.K. Conference Autumn 2018. Konference se bude konat 10. listopadu v prostorách Biskupského gymnázia v Brně, Barvičova 85, Brno-Střed.
Konference je akreditována Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy.
Více informací a možnost registrace naleznete zde. Program konference zde. Video z minulého roku zde. |
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Bližší informace ohledně námi pořádaných seminářů budou upřesněny.
Společnost Bohemian Ventures a Pearson si Vás dovolují pozvat na v pořadí již 22. konferenci pro učitele anglického jazyka - The P.A.R.K. Conference Spring 2018. Konference se bude konat 7. dubna v prostorách Biskupského gymnázia v Brně, Barvičova 85, Brno-Střed.
Konference je akreditována Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy.
Více informací a možnost registrace naleznete zde.
Program konference zde.
Video z minulého roku zde.

V rámci konference jsme pro Vás přichystali 2 semináře a 2 workshopy. Jeden ze seminářů, které si pro Vás přichystal Dr. Ken Beatty, bude zároveň closing plenary. Workshopy si pro Vás připravily Danka Sekerková a Radka Malá. Zároveň se můžete těšit na náš stánek, kde si budete moci prohlédnout všechny novinky z vydavatelství Pearson, jako je například New Maturita Activator.
Anotace seminářů a workshopů:
Interactivity: Teaching and Learning (closing plenary)
(Ken Beatty, Pearson)
Learning process, engaging students, new technologies, 21st century skills, all levels and age groups
Traditionally, all learning materials have included a degree of interactivity; in most textbooks, students read and fill in answers to questions–although usually only one answer is possible. Today’s materials take interactivity to new levels, engaging students’ creative thinking and critical thinking skills and providing more realistic options for students to provide multiple and personalized answers to questions. This presentation explores how teachers can use the interactive features of past and present technologies to enhance teenagers’ learning processes. It explores how these processes mirror how teenagers already interact with the world and examines the role interaction plays in memory and learning.
Motivating the Teenage Brain: Making Language Matter
(Ken Beatty, Pearson)
Teenage brain, latest research findings, motivation, assessment, pre-intermediate and intermediate level, teenage students
The definition of the teenage brain is a changing one, with recent neural research indicating that brain development roughly continues from ages 11 to 20 for girls and 12 to 25 for boys. Teenagers face particular challenges in learning new languages. Beyond their constant exploration of the boundaries between the dependence of childhood and the independence of adulthood, teenagers can be self-conscious and, for a range of reasons, likely to either act out or silently resist opportunities to learn in the classroom. This presentation reviews the latest findings of how the teenage brain learns and the application of such findings to engage learners through meaningful language-learning tasks, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and reflective assessment.
Use It or Lose It
(Radka Malá, Teacher trainer)
A2- B1, Maturita exam, writing skills, activation techniques, teenage students
Oh no, not another writing lesson! How many times has this crossed your mind when it came to teaching writing to students preparing for the Maturita exam? Let’s have a look at how to make writing more attractive, lively and motivating together. In this practical workshop based on the New Maturita Activator, we’ll try some classroom activities that work like a charm to activate your students and allow for various and multiple exposures to exactly the kinds of phrases they need so that they can use them again and again and finally… remember them for their exam. Because if you don’t use it, you lose it!
There will be a raffle at the seminar where you can win our New Maturita Activator coursebook.
How to become a Maturita super-speaker
(Danka Sekerková, Pearson)
A2- B1, speaking skills, systematic practice, Maturita exam strategies and techniques
„Yes, yes, well, I err...” and silence. You might be typically hearing such responses from regular Czech students who can understand English well but have difficulty when it comes to speaking. Being obsessed with accuracy, they wouldn’t say a phrase if they weren’t at least 95% sure about its accuracy. The best, but not the only way to prepare your students for the Maturita Speaking exam is a lot of practice in a “laboratory” where mistakes are permitted and serve as positive feedback.
In this workshop, you will be introduced to the updated Pearson course book New Maturita Activator, which puts emphasis on systematic Maturita preparation. We will look not only at authentic Maturita speaking tasks, exam strategies and techniques, but you will also try out several practical speaking activities.
There will be a raffle at the seminar where you can win our New Maturita Activator coursebook
Dr. Ken Beatty
Dr. Ken Beatty, Anaheim University TESOL Professor, has worked in secondary schools and universities in Asia, the Middle East, and North and South America, lecturing on language teaching and computer-assisted language learning from the primary through university levels. He is author of 67 textbooks for Pearson and has given 400+ teacher-training sessions and 100+ conference presentations in 33 countries. His most recent books are Learning English for Academic Purposes for Pearson Canada.
Radka Malá
Radka has been teaching foreign languages for over ten years, gaining experience in a wide range of classes for special purposes and with all age groups. She now specialises in teaching professional English to adults and utilising her lifelong passion: technology and video in the classroom. As a teacher trainer and conference speaker, she follows the same principles as a language teacher; activate your students, make the session meaningful and have fun! She is also the author of additional material in the Lifestyle and Next Move series of textbooks. Radka’s educational background includes a Master’s degree in English and Italian from Charles University, Prague.
Danka Sekerková
Danka studied English and French at Charles University. She has 11 years of work experience in teaching English and French, and has taught a wide variety of courses from preschool children’s courses to individual and group in-company courses. She has also worked as a language auditor and prepared and presented methodology workshops for fellow teachers. She has recently joined Bohemian Ventures as a methodological consultant and is eager to share her knowledge and experience with other teachers.