Společnost Ventures Books si Vás dovoluje pozvat na již 20. ročník konference Motivační setkání vyučujících anglického jazyka. Konferenci pořádá Národní institut pro další vzdělávání ve Zlíně v rámci dalšího vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků a je určena učitelům anglického jazyka všech typů škol a školských zařízení v ČR.
Při příležitosti konání konference jsme si pro Vás přichystali dva semináře. Více informací o nich se dozvíte níže. Dále se můžete těšit na naše stánky s novinkami vydavatelství Pearson a Cambridge University Press a doplňkový prodej her Regipio.
Bližší informace o konferenci budou upřesněny.
Widening the Vocabulary World
(Jarmila Tomanová, Pearson/Ventures Books)
Target group: Lower-Secondary School Teachers
Have you been revising vocabulary with your students time and time again? And when you come across the same words a few days later, half of it is forgotten and the other half is only vaguely familiar. If this situation rings a bell, join this hands-on workshop presenting methods and activities which will help students establish long-term retention of vocabulary. We are going to discuss personalization together with other vocabulary-teaching strategies which enable learners to expand their mental lexicon.
Take advantage of Multiple Intelligences
(Zuzana Pohlová, Pearson/Ventures Books)
Target group: Primary School Teachers
How smart are you? To most, that seems like an odd question. Everyone knows a person is either smart or not, right? If you are a believer in multiple intelligences, then you disagree with the idea that a person is either smart or not. The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) suggests that every person is talented in a certain way, which is also reflected in their learning style. The theory of MI can be used very well in the language teaching of primary school pupils. In this session I will show you practical examples of activities corresponding to different kinds of learning styles. The seminar is designed for primary school teachers.
![]() Jarmila Tomanová After completing Master’s degree in English Philology at Palacky University in Olomouc, Jarmila seized the opportunity to work as an intern at Czech School Without Borders London and taught bilingual children. During her internship in London she passed the CPE exam. In the Czech Republic, she has worked for several language schools teaching individual, in-company, public and post-secondary courses. Now Jarmila works as methodological consultant for Ventures Books. |
Zuzana Pohlová Zuzana studied English and Mathematics at the University of Ostrava. After graduation, she started to work as a teacher of English. Her responsibilities included the teaching of English at all levels, advising the students on study materials and planning the programme of courses. She also worked as a senior teacher, which involved other teachers classroom observations and subsequent consultation and evaluation of their work as well as preparation of workshops on methodology and learning styles. Now Zuzana works as a methodological consultant for Ventures Books. |