Vážení učitelé a lektoři anglického jazyka,
srdečně Vás zveme na náš výukový webinář, kterým Vám chceme usnadnit práci s online platformami MyEnglishLab (MEL) a Pearson English Portal (PEP), které používáte nebo byste chtěli používat ve Vaší výuce angličtiny. Webinář bude probíhat v českém jazyce a můžete si vybrat ze dvou termínů.
4. 11 nebo 18.11. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoli s připojením k internetu
Na téma
MEL and PEP training for teachers
Registrovat se na 4. 11. | Registrovat se na 18. 11. |
Více informací o online výukových nástrojích:
![]() Barbora Míková Bára studied English and German at Charles University in Prague. During her studies she gained valuable experience working as an au-pair in London and studying in Bonn. She became keen on teaching, so she started to work as an English teacher at a grammar school in Prague even before her graduation. After that, she continued her teaching career at both public and private schools and has got experience with teaching all language levels and age groups. Bára has recently joined Ventures Books as an ELT consultant. |
Zuzana Pohlová Zuzana studied English and Mathematics at the University of Ostrava. After graduation, she started to work as a teacher of English. Her responsibilities included the teaching of English at all levels, advising the students on study materials and planning the programme of courses. She also worked as a senior teacher, which involved other teachers classroom observations and subsequent consultation and evaluation of their work as well as preparation of workshops on methodology and learning styles. Now Zuzana works as a methodological consultant for Ventures Books. |