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Vážení učitelé a lektoři anglického jazyka,

srdečně Vás zveme na náš výukový webinář, ve kterém Vám prakticky ukážeme nový digitální nástroj pro studenty i učitele - ActiveBooks, který udělá Vaši učebnici 100% interaktivní. Naše metodička s Vámi projde detailně funkce, které tento nástroj nabízí a ráda zodpoví Vaše dotazy. Webinář bude probíhat v českém jazyce.


ActiveBooks jsou dostupné pro tyto učebnice:

  • Wider World
  • Focus 2nd edition
  • High Note
  • Speakout 2nd edition

16. 9. 2021 od 18:00
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ActiveBooks Training for Teachers

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Barbora Míková

Bára studied English and German at Charles University in Prague. During her studies she gained valuable experience working as an au-pair in London and studying in Bonn. She became keen on teaching, so she started to work as an English teacher at a grammar school in Prague even before her graduation. After that, she continued her teaching career at both public and private schools and has got experience with teaching all language levels and age groups. Bára has recently joined Ventures Books as an ELT consultant.

Euromedia Group, a.s., divize Ventures Books

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