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Archiv roku 2015

7. listopad 2015, P.A.R.K., Brno

Website: http://www.zkouskypark.cz/cs/akce-pro-ucitele
Registrační formulář: http://www.zkouskypark.cz/cs/registrace-na-konference


Exam stress relief! (Tonya Trappe, PEARSON)
1st Morning session: 10:20 - 11:20 Classroom B

2nd Morning session: 11:40 - 12:40 Classroom B

A student’s entire future can hinge on performance in an exam. This means that preparing them is a huge responsibility and potentially very stressful task for the teacher.  Students therefore understandably suffer from extreme tension as exams approach and teachers may also be under pressure from the school and parents as well as the students themselves to produce excellent results. My talk will explore ways to limit unproductive and unnecessary stress. We will look at ways to make the exam prep classroom a peaceful, positive and above all, productive experience for both the teacher and the student.

Shakespeare in Business (Tonya Trappe, PEARSON)
Closing Plenary, 15:00 - 16:00

The highly acclaimed British business Guru, Richard Olivier, son of Laurance Oliver, recently created a new form of "arts based learning" that uses Shakespeare's plots to focus on leadership skills when training future business leaders. In the US, Carole and Kenneth Adleman train US business people and politicians to be more effective communicators by studying Shakespeare. This exciting new trend in business is an opportunity for Business English teachers to introduce high culture into their classrooms.
This talk will demonstrate how teachers can introduce both the langauge and plots of the most famous Shakespearian plays into their classrooms without being experts on Shakespeare themselves.

Learning is adventure! (Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková, PEARSON)
1st Morning Session 10:20 - 11:20 Classroom C

2nd Morning Session 11:40 - 12:40 Classroom C

Primary school age is a period when children love stories and their heroes. Finding these heroes in a coursebook may work as strong motivation in itself. Moreover, if the teachers succeed in applying different pace and approach in teaching their pupils, they help them find their own learning style. This seminar is designed for primary school teachers and will offer ideas how to use learners´ self-reflection and support their autonomy from early age.


Tonya Trappe, PEARSON

Tonya-3Tonya Trappe is an economics and English graduate from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. She also studied theatre and drama in France for six years before working as a language teacher at various French universities. She set up a school of drama in English in Paris in 2004. The school produces six plays in English every year. She has written plays for young people published by Penguin as well as an adaptation of Ben Johnson's Valpone. She has also written and performed in various productions with the TAM theatre company. These shows are highly interactive and are designed to introduce young people to the delights of authors such as Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde. A specialist in effective communication, Tonya has given workshops and organized training sessions for professionals all over the world. She has also successfully combined her business training and writing experience with her drama background to create a unique Shakespeare in business experience for the international business community.

Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková, PEARSON

Lenka Zouhar Ludvíková was born into a family where teacher genes never lose. She trained as a nursery school teacher at secondary school and later studied at the Department of Educational Sciences and Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, where she also gained CELTA. In 2006 she started teaching at the Language Centre of Masaryk University, first Business English and later English for Academic Purposes. Her major interest is student- and learning-centred style of teaching, which resulted in research in the field of learner autonomy as her doctoral project.

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