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Archiv roku 2015

4. konference ACERT 

MODERN TEACHING & LEARNING PRACTICES - Moderne Herangehensweisen an den Sprachunterricht - Moderní přístupy k výuce jazyků
se bude konat 21.03. 2015 v prostorách FF UK Praha.
Můžete se těšit na semináře pro angličtináře, pro němčináře, pro učitele češtiny jako cizího jazyka od Lídy Holé a od mnoha dalších. Konference je AKREDITOVÁNA MŠMT čj.: MSMT-1493/2013-201-1

PŘEDNÁŠKA : Phil Worwick
PhilBridging the Authenticity Gap - Helping learners connect with authentic language through video
In this session I start with the premise that language learners can benefit from regular exposure to authentic language from the earliest stages of learning, and that video is perhaps the best medium for achieving this. But in reality it's not so simple, and I've had my share of disasters caused by a 'bad' choice of material, which ended up frustrating students rather than motivating them. That experience, and the process of discovering solutions, was essential in forming the development of the authentic content of the Pearson course Speakout. Using examples from Speakout, I will demonstrate some principles of authentic material selection and task design that enable learners to interact with the material and the language in a way that is meaningful, enjoyable and motivating.

Celý program: http://acert.cz/?sid=34/


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