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Archiv roku 2016

5. listopad 2016, Plzeň

Website: http://www.bridge-online.cz/ideas-that-work/about-the-conference

Témata seminářů

Learning to Learn (Šárka Miková)

How may teachers and teaching materials contribute to students´ successful learning? Students´ learning behaviour, i.e. what they do in order to learn a language as well as how they do it naturally varies among individuals and among different course types, too. In this session we are going to have a closer look at the specific features of teenage learners, who still have to greatly rely on their teachers but at the same time are becoming more autonomous both in their school as well as private lives and what´s more - have to start preparing for passing their Maturita exams. Teachers have to encourage both their controlled and uncontrolled positive learning behaviour and there is a whole range of tools and strategies how to do it.

Learnig without (much) Forgetting (Šárka Miková)

The correct use of our memory is important for what we successfully learn. Effective learning is dependent on how much our pupils can remember from their English classes. But how does our memory really work? How can you help your pupils remember the most and forget the least with the knowledge of human memory secrets? In today´s session we are going to see in what (different) ways you as teachers may support the memory processes with primary (6 – 10) a lower secondary (11 – 16) pupils and at the same time adapt your lessons to these principles.




sarka-mikovaŠárka Miková

Šárka is a former English teacher with almost 20 years´ teaching experience to students of various levels – from preschoolers to adults. She acquired her Master´s degree in English teaching at Charles University, Prague and after several years of teaching at primary school she spent most of her professional career as a freelance teacher working for a language school and teaching her own individual and corporate students. Thanks to the variety of courses she has taught and organised she became interested in didactics and methodology of ELT and currently exploits her experience as a methodological consultant. Besides her long practical teaching experience she was also involved in production of teaching materials for video classes.


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