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Jménem společnosti Bohemian Ventures si Vás dovolujeme pozvat na 6. ročník konference pro učitele anglického jazyka - CLOVERLEAF Conference for English Teachers 2017. Konference se bude konat v prostorách jazykové školy Cloverleaf v Ostravě.
Konference je akreditována Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (14881/2016-2-442).
Společnost Pearson a Bohemian Ventures si si pro Vás při příležitosti konání konference připravila 2 semináře a úvodní plenární přednášku, kterou Vás provede Navot Laufer. Navot Laufner si dále připravil i jeden se seminářů. Druhý seminář si pro Vás přichystala Danka Sekerková. Mimo dalších zajimavých seminářů pro Vás bude připravena tombola o zajímavé ceny, občerstvení a také náš stánek, na kterém se na Vás budeme těšit.
Více informací naleznete zde.
Program naleznete zde.
Anotace úvodní plenární přednášky:
Systems in Vocabulary Acquisition and Production
(Navot Laufer)
It started with a discussion about language with my mother-in-law: what was more important, grammar or vocabulary? For her, grammar was more important because it is logical and systematic while vocabulary is chaotic and arbitrary. I said it was a nonsense question.
However, is vocabulary truly chaotic and arbitrary? Are there no vocabulary systems? In this talk we will look at some of the systems that underline vocabulary.
Our ability to process words in our ‘mental word depot’ (our vocabulary) facility is truly staggering: we are able to manage huge amounts of information in less than blink of an eye and our failure rate is surprisingly low. In fact, our ‘data management system’ is so efficient that it is inspiring the design of computers and data management systems specifically. To illustrate how this is done, we will look at similarities between some vocabulary systems and management concepts in global enterprises such as Toyota, Amazon, Facebook, Ikea, Google and more.
Anotace seminářů:
Business English - Teaching is not enough!
(Navot Laufer)
When we get down to business, vocabulary and grammar, listening and speaking skills are essential but not enough. They must be combined with business skills such as participating in meetings, giving presentations or negotiations. Task based learning and role play are effective techniques to ‘put it all together’. The teacher’s task here is, first and foremost, to set a task and a safe environment for students to practise business skill in the class and then provide genuine feedback on their performance.
In this workshop, we will explore these techniques as well as sell or buy things and do our best to get the best deal…
Essential Teaching Principles you (might) have forgotten
(Danka Sekerková)
Make your adolescent students learn the most while you as teachers do not waste your time, nor your energy – these are in my experience the very basic and very simplified principles that contribute to bilateral classroom satisfaction when both you and your learners leave the lessons feeling it was worth it. In this session we are going to look at useful techniques that promote vocabulary acquisition and its long-term retention, ideas how grammar explanation and practice can be made more meaningful and fun through engaging context and multiple media channels and finally share views, experience and tips on limiting your preparation time to minimum.
Navot Laufer
Navot was born in Israel to an English speaking family. He studied English at Haifa University and Masarykova Univerzita in Brno. Teaching English in Israel, Japan and the Czech Republic, he has taught in almost every English teaching sphere: from CEOs to kindergarten kids, from individual courses to state schools and from relaxed conversation lessons to demanding exam preparation courses. Navot is interested in language acquisition and developing student’s learning habits. Exam preparation and teaching technical English are his pet subjects.
Danka Sekerková
Danka studied at Charles University, Faculty of Education, specialisation English and French language and she already started teaching in her second year at the university and now she has 11 years of work experience in teaching English and French. She taught wide variety of courses from preschool children courses to individual and group in-company courses. She worked also as a language auditor for the language school and prepared and presented methodology workshop for fellow teachers. She has recently joint Bohemian Ventures as a methodological consultant and she is eager to share her knowledge and experience with other teachers.
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