Společnost Bohemian Ventures si Vás dovoluje pozvat na 21. konferenci pro učitele angličtiny - The P.A.R.K. Conference Autumn 2017. Konference se uskuteční v sobotu 4. listopadu a to v prostorách Biskupského gymnázia v Brně.
Konference je akreditována Ministerstvem školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (14804/2017–1–610).
Při příležitosti konání konference si pro Vás společnost Pearson a Bohemian Ventures připravila celkem 2 workshopy, které si pro Vás přichystali Judita Tóthová a Navot Laufer. Dále si pro Vás Danka Sekerková připravila seminář, zaměřený na inovativní přístup k výuce. Samozřejmostí je náš stánek, na kterém se na Vás budeme těšit.
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Anotace workshopů:
Speak, Talk, Communicate
(Judita Tóthová)
Getting students to speak in class might be the most challenging task many teachers face. When it comes to speaking, students usually have nothing to say and pretend to be invisible. Hoping for a magic stick to loosen students’ tongues and boost their confidence is just wishful thinking. A pinch of theory and a huge peck of practice is needed so that students can enrich their speaking experience. During the workshop, you will be introduced to tips and activities which will facilitate your preparation for speaking and conversational lessons.
Business English - Teaching is not enough!
(Navot Laufer)
When we get down to business, vocabulary and grammar, listening and speaking skills are essential but not enough. They must be combined with business skills such as participating in meetings, giving presentations or negotiations. Task-based learning and role play are effective techniques to ‘put it all together’. First and foremost, the teacher needs to set a task and create a safe environment for students to practise business skills in class and then provide genuine feedback on their performance.
In this workshop, we will explore these techniques and do our best to get the best deal.
Anotace semináře:
Formative Assessment – a Process Rather than a Tool
(Danka Sekerková)
This seminar examines the formative function of assessment—assessment for learning and the self-development of learners, which complements the basic summative function of assessment. This new trend in education puts emphases on self-check and the self-assessment of learners and helps them become independent and responsible for their process of learning. Learners become owners of their learning while teachers play the role of tutors and facilitators of learning, providing students with information and tools they need to master English language.
Judita Tóthová
Judita studied English language and Geography at the Faculty of Education in Nitra. During her nearly 30 years of practice, she has worked as a teacher in primary, secondary and language schools and as a lecturer of corporate language courses as well. She also collaborated with the National Institute for Education on English language teacher training courses. She works as an ELT consultant for Slovak Ventures.
Navot Laufer
Navot was born in Israel to an English speaking family. He studied English at Haifa University and Masarykova Univerzita in Brno. Teaching English in Israel, Japan and the Czech Republic, he has taught in almost every English teaching sphere: from CEOs to kindergarten kids, from individual courses to state schools and from relaxed conversation lessons to demanding exam preparation courses. Navot is interested in language acquisition and developing student’s learning habits. Exam preparation and teaching technical English are his pet subjects.
Danka Sekerková
Danka studied at Charles University, Faculty of Education, specialisation English and French language and she already started teaching in her second year at the university and now she has 11 years of work experience in teaching English and French. She taught wide variety of courses from preschool children courses to individual and group in-company courses. She worked also as a language auditor for the language school and prepared and presented methodology workshop for fellow teachers. She has recently joint Bohemian Ventures as a methodological consultant and she is eager to share her knowledge and experience with other teachers.
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