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Archiv roku 2020

webinar 1 10 2020


Vážení učitelé a lektoři anglického jazyka,

srdečně Vás zveme na webinář, pro který jsme pozvali zahraniční lektorku Magdu Kania. S ní se zaměříme na to, jak upoutat pozornost studentů v hodinách angličtiny.

1. 10. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoli s připojením k internetu

Na téma

SURPRISOLOGY - engineering the unexpected in the classroom

Registrovat se


Magda Kania: "The process of getting your teenage students’ attention (without getting frustrated) is challenging. And if you feel helpless sometimes, then you’re not alone. Join this unpredictable session to learn how to engineer the unexpected and how to capture your students’ attention by turning ordinary into extraordinary. We will transform common language tasks into engaging activities, turn laborious activities into learning adventures and experiment with the usual to give you a handful of ideas to surprise your students with."





Magda Kania

A teacher, teacher mentor, teacher trainer and her private language school's Director of Studies. She runs workshops across Poland and is a regular speaker at the national conferences. One of the key trainers in the conference series by PEARSON. Innovative projects and trainings that combine the latest methodological knowledge with practical classroom application became her trademark. Her ideas are widely popular because of their simplicity and efficiency.

SURPRISOLOGY - engineering the unexpected in the classroom

Euromedia Group, a.s., divize Ventures Books

Nádražní 762/32, 150 00 Praha 5

Česká republika

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