Webinář, 21/11/2017
Formative Assessment (Danka Sekerková)
Webinář, 16/11/2017
Formative Assessment (Danka Sekerková)
Motivační setkání vyučujících cizího jazyka Zlín, 9/11/2017
Formative Assessment (Danka Sekerková)
P.A.R.K. conference Brno, 4/11/2017
Formative Assessment (Danka Sekerková)
Talk Speak Communicate (Judita Tóthová)
Business English - Teaching is not enough! (Navot Laufer)
Cloverleaf konference Ostrava, 23/9/2017
Plenary session: Vocabulary systems (Navot Laufner)
Business English - Teaching is not enough! (Navot Laufer)
Essential Teaching principles you (might) have forgotten (Danka Sekerková)
ELT Signpost Brno, 8-9/9/2017
Don´t forger to stretch (Danka Sekerková)
Essential Teaching principles you (might) have forgotten (Danka Sekerková)
Inspiration day 3 Jihlava, 12/4/2017
Essential Teaching Principles you (might) have forgottenn (Šárka Miková)
Using Stories in Primary School Classes ( Šárka Miková)
The 20th P.A.R.K. conference Brno, 8/4/2017
The Write Stuff – Developing the Writing Skill (Rob Dean)
Teaching Technical English (Navot Laufner)
Using Stories in Primary School Classes (Šárka Miková)
Pearson EduTour 2017, 21-23/3/2017
Class Scribe, Word Store and other ways of recycling vocabulary (Sue Kay)
Focus on Authenticity (Sue Kay)
Don´t forget to stretch! (Šárka Miková)
Easy and Effective Ways of Learning and Teaching (Judita Tóthová)
New Perspective on Evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching (Naďa Vojtková)
Vědomá práce s emocemi ve školním prostředí (Lukáš Radostný a Martin Sedláček)
Webinář 28/3/2017 a 30/3/2017
Same Activity - Different Task (Judita Tóthová)
Konference AJŠ, Praha 4/3/2017
Teaching Technical English (Navot Laufer)
Konference AJŠ, Praha 4/3/2017
Preparing students for the speaking part of exams (Navot Laufer)