Piotr Steinbrich - Another hype? 21st century skills revisited
- (Brno, 3rd November 2012)
MyEnglishLab - Materiál k prezentaci + manuál "Jak používat MyEnglishLab"
Steve Oakes - Bridging the Autenticity Gap
(Prague, 21st November 2012; Brno 22nd November 2012) -
Anna Sikorzynska - TEACHERS’ CHOICES made simple and effective
(19.3.2013, 20.3.2013 - Prague, 21.3.2013 - Bratislava) -
Magdalena Benešová - The Czech Republic Choice
(19.3.2013, 20.3.2013 - Prague, 21.3.2013 - Bratislava) -
Jeanne Perrett - Bringing the world into the classroom
(Prague, 4th April 2013; Brno 5th April 2013) -
Alena Jochecová - NLP and Our Discovery Island
(Prague, 4th April 2013; Brno 5th April 2013) -
Magdalena Benešová - My Grammar Lab
(Mladá Boleslav, 19th February 2013) -
Magdalena Benešová - Lifestyle
(Brno, 2nd March 2013) -
Radka Malá - Catchy Topics - Lifestyle
(Olomouc, 14th September 2013) -
Magdalena Benešová - Young Learners Curiosity Technology
(Olomouc, 14th September 2013) -
Martina Grátová - Gold - Stay focused
(Ostrava, 21st September 2013) -
Magdalena Benešová - New Total English
(Praha, 26th September 2013)